Battery Energy Storage

In this age of power shutoffs, particularly in California, having reliable back-up power to serve your critical needs is more necessary than ever.

Cost-effective Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are here now for many applications. The ability to store power to use when you need it, or when the electric rates are highest, can save you money and provide back-up power.

New california Incentives are Available

California has boosted their existing Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) to encourage battery energy storage system installations in Disadvantaged or Low-Income Communities. Schools, cities, and public agencies can now receive incentives that will cover most, if not all, of the cost to implement a BESS.

Sage Reduces Your Risk

There are many factors to consider when designing and implementing battery energy storage.

  • Proper planning for identification of critical loads and needed duration of back-up power for each load.

  • Sizing and system design.

  • Vendor evaluation and selection

  • Contract terms and conditions

  • Performance monitoring

Sage has the experience and knowledge to guide you as your representative through all stages of the implementation, beginning with feasibility and following with RFP issuance and evaluation, construction oversight, commissioning, and asset management.

Does your organization need to reduce energy costs? Let’s talk!